Review and update your personal information, search the company directory, and access the ORG chart.
Log in to the benefits portal to review insurance-related benefits available through the company.
Use the link above to change your password to something you’ve never used that meets the following Microsoft requirements.
Consider picking a few random words using the web page at Then, arrange your choices in any order you find interesting, easy to remember, and (maybe) a little witty, risqué, or religious.
Please contact your IT Department if you have any problems changing your password.
On your company-provided computer, click the Windows Start menu, type Outlook, and click the Outlook App shortcut.
You can check for misclassified spam at
You can check for misclassified spam at
You can check for misclassified spam at
Learn more about the following and many other topices.
Get valuable training and instruction on topics specific to working at PEC. Courses include the following subjects and more.
You must use Microsoft Edge to log in at
Timesheet: Click Ajera Menu-> Manage-> Timesheets-> New button Always start a new blank timesheet! (Copying could create errors in your check, especially after a pay increase.)
Expenses: Click Ajera Menu-> Manage-> Expense Reports-> New button Units are always miles and no other expense item should have a value for units.
To view Your Pay Stub (or PTO Balance): Click Ajera Menu-> Reports-> Payroll-> Check Activity (My Paychecks) or PTO (My Balance) and follow the prompts to open the report. You may need to make adjustments to the fields in the top left corner of the report. If you change any of the fields, you must click the green refresh button in the top right corner.
See the system requirements and how to configure Windows 10 or later to run Ajera
Ajera does not have a timesheet app. Instead, Deltek created a website that works in an iPhone, Android, or other mobile device's web browsers.
First, you must install the Deltek Expense for Ajera app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
When setting up the app, enter the server URL below. (NOTE: the link is not clickable; you should copy/paste or carefully type it into the app.)
Visit the PEC Employee Pages for additional information and instructions (with screenshots) for how to enter your PEC expenses on a mobile device.
The IRS requires us to obtain a W-9, and our Workers Comp audit requires us to have a Certificate of Insurance. We must receive this information before processing contractor (or 1099) payments. The appropriate PEC staff member or vendor representative must complete the form by clicking on the link at the beginning of this section.